
Kimberly Walker


Meet Kimberly Walker

Kimberly takes pride in being involved in the family business, plus raising her two daughters growing up in the South Surrey/White Rock School system and extra activities.

Kimberly is the 10 year lead mortgage broker for their team, licensed with Dominion Lending Centers, one of Canada’s lead mortgage companies, working with over 90 lenders.

Kimberly is also 8 year realtor, with HomeLife Benchmark Realty, working with clients of her own and lead assistant for the Walker Real Estate Team, winning Centurion Status HomeLife Canada 2021 and 2022.

 Mortgage Broker: Dominion Lending Centers

Realtor: HomeLife Benchmark Realty

778-828-6186  |   Kimberly@WalkerRealEstate.ca



See what our clients had to say about the Walker Real Estate Team!


Dave, Cindy and Kimberly Walker

 Top of the Class - Year After Year

Selling millions of dollars of Real Estate each Year



Achieving Top 1 to 10% of the Real Estate Board, for 27 Consecutive Years and Counting 


Over 27 Years and Counting Year After Year


The Walkers work with less than 12 listings and a handful of qualified buyers at any given time, allowing us to be available, provide each client our full attention, personal service, knowledge, expertise, and marketing their property.








Community Events

Giving Back to the Community

We and HomeLife support a culture of giving back to our community

both with our time and money, consistently throughout the year.

 South Surrey/ White Rock Chamber of Commerce: 25 Year Members

Realtors Care Blanket Drive: 25 years. Office Coordinators

Neighbourhood Garage Sale: 19 years. Coordinators & Sponsor

Canuck Place:  In addition to Community Events, the Walkers donate an additional

sum to Canuck Place from each sale. HomeLife has been sponsoring since 2001

Tour de White Rock: 16 years, Volunteer Representing HomeLife

Easter and Halloween Ocean Park Events: 10 years Coordinating and Sponsoring, Ocean Park Community

Coldest Night of the Year: 6 years, Coordinating and Sponsoring

Peace Arch Hospital and Hospice: Event volunteer and Sponsor, over the years

Walker Client Appreciation Brunches: 200 to 300 clients attending                    

Plus many more including Baseball & Hockey Teams & Ray Shepherd Elementary Events.

 Coldest Night Popcorn Give Away






HomeLife Buyer Services

Owning your own home is a universal and timeless dream.

In many ways, this dream is more accessible today than ever before. However, one of the first realizations a prospective home buyer often comes to is that the “dream home” does not always seem affordable.

Buying a home has changed in the New Millennium. Before, buyers usually shopped for the best house they could find, then “took out” a loan to pay for it. Today, prospective buyers must shop as thoroughly for the best financing as they do.

HomeLife Seller Services

You’ve decided to sell your home.

As an experienced HomeLife Higher Standards Sales Representative, I know that selling a home can be a confusing and complicated process. Chances are, you have a lot of questions.

Questions like, “Should I sell it myself or use a Real Estate sales representative?”, “How do I price my home?” and “What are the costs to me when I sell my home?”. This guide will answer your questions and help you through the process from the day you decide to sell to the day the sale of your home is finalized.


Thinking of buying or selling your home?


Find out how We can help.